

BACKGROUND: As pregnancy is not a disease, most maternal morbidity and mortality related to it are preventable. Maternal mortality is also an important measure to determine performance of health care system in the country. Unfortunately, there is a big difference in Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) between developed and developing countries.

OBJECTIVE: This study is to determine different causes and factors related to maternal death at Burdwan Medical College.

METHOD: This is an observational analytical study. We have collected data of all 1003 maternal deaths from 1st October, 1999 to 31st December, 2010 at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Burdwan Medical College, Burdwan, West Bengal. Evaluation of collected data is done from 2010 to 2020.

RESULTS: The retrospective analysis of maternal mortality shows that 86% of deaths were from direct causes like haemorrhage, eclampsia or severe hypertensive disorder and sepsis. Indirect causes like anaemia, hepatitis and other factors contributed 14% of maternal deaths. Most of the deaths (42%) occurred in women who were below 20 years of age. Highest maternal mortality was seen in primigravidas

CONCLUSION: The high MMR is because of the fact that our hospital receives mostly the cases which are usually un-booked and late referrals. Most of the patients die on their way or in the hospital just after reach because of transport problems. Emergency obstetric care (EOC), rural health centres with ambulances, early referral, tertiary care centres with ICU facilities will help to reduce MMR. Confidential enquiries and facility based maternal death review (MDR) in all hospitals is required.

KEY WORDS: Maternal death, Haemorrhage, Eclampsia, Anaemia

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