Background: In developing countries, increasing use of medical technologies during childbirth is now the matter of keen interest. Though the application of reproductive technologies has significantly improved clinical obstetric care but this has generated unintended health issues for women and increased costs to family and eventually nation. According to the latest data from 150 countries, currently 18.6% of all births occur by CS. In 2010 in India, the incidence was around 8.5% but a phenomenal increase of 40 % was seen in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Keeping in view the above facts, the present study tries to explore the trends of caesarean section delivery in College of Medicine & JNM Hospital, Nadia West Bengal (the only tertiary care hospital in this predominantly rural district) and its comparison with the state and national data.
Methods: Over a study period of Oct 2016-Sept 2017 the rate of caesarean section was obtained from COM JNM Hospital Nadia, West Bengal and comparison was made with the latest available national and regional data.
Results: Our study over the period of Oct 2016-Sept 2017 in College of Medicine & JNM Hospital found CS rate increased annually from 34.4% (October 2016) - 41.1% (September 2017) which is quite high among whole Nadia District (15%) and West Bengal (18.2).
Conclusion: The high CS rate can be accounted to the fact that this is the only tertiary referral centre in the district, however due consideration has to be given to reduce the rate to some extent.
Key words: CS on demand, CS rate, Nadia, NFHS, West Bengal
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