Hypertension is a common disease in general population and among pregnant women leading to rise in morbidity and mortality. Hypertension among pregnant women even causes mortality of foetus. Therefore adequate treatment should be started in time to control it. Though a big list of antihypertensive drugs are there, the selection of antihypertensive in pregnancy is important, as because some may dampen the labor process, some may have teratogenic effect on foetus. At times quick lowering of BP is required, and at times drugs are prescribed during whole pregnancy period particularly who are known hypertensive and who are gestational hypertensives. Many molecules are in pipeline e.g. Heme oxygenase 1, G proteincoupled receptor (GPCR) targets, Aminopeptidase etc. and they are showing good result.
Key words: complications, drugs, eclampsia, hypertension, pregnancy.
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