
MTP beyond 20 weeks: time for policy change

Unsafe abortion is one of the most common cause of maternal mortality and morbidity. Illegal abortions are performed frequently in India with their disastrous results even today in spite of liberalization of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, The Act does not permit termination of pregnancy beyond 20 weeks. This has been challenged by so many times. The Supreme court of India allowed medical termination of pregnancy after 20 weeks in many times. With the advancement of technology, foetal abnormalities are diagnosed more precisely where termination may be indicated due to lethal anomaly even after 20 weeks. After years of legal advocacy, the Government of India has proposed amendments in MTP Act that would extend the legal time limit for abortion. Termination of pregnancy can be performed surgically before 15 weeks of pregnancy. After this gestational age, medical termination is performed by medical methods with mifeprostone followed misoprostol or gemeprost. Although risks of medical termination increase with gestational age, result of the MTP is likely to be beneficial where it is truly indicated

Key words: Medical Termination of Pregnancy, Unsafe abortion, Fetal anomaly

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